Altai Law Journal of Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia
Altai Law Journal

Elena R. Abizova Moscow City Arbitration Court, Moscow, Russia,
  • Abstract. The article examines the problems of normative and individual legal regulation and the relationship between them. The general and distinctive features, as well as the mechanism of these types of legal regulation, have been established. The distinctive features of individual legal regulation related to the legal norm, the subject and the specific situation are analyzed. The positive and negative aspects of the implementation of individual legal regulation are considered. The patterns of individualization are revealed, manifested through the personalization of the application (implementation) of the law. The possibilities of personalization in the fields of education, medicine, psychology, and law are described. Assumptions are made regarding the development and implementation of personalized legal norms through algorithmic processing of big data. A comparative analysis of the points of view of scientists on the term “personalized law” is given. Keywords: regulatory legal regulation, individual legal regulation, personalization, algorithms, personalized law For citation: Abizova Е. R. Personalization of law in the light of normative relationship and individual legal regulation. Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik = Altai Law Journal. 2024;4:7–13 (In Russ.).

Victoria R. Bulgakova Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Barnaul, Russia,,
Vyacheslav A. Polyakov Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia, Volgograd, Russia
  • Abstract. The article examines the legal status of the population of another religion of the Russian Empire, in particular, those professing Islam and Judaism. The normative legal basis, which regulated in sufficient detail the life of society of different religious teachings, was the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. The author, based on the analysis of marital, family, socio-economic and spiritual relations, concluded that the legal status of the groups in question in the second half of the XIXth century was restrictive due to their prevalence. The government made attempts to Russify and Christianize the non-believing population by providing preferences. The decree of April 17, 1905 expanded the scope of the principles of tolerance, ensured fundamental civil liberties, including freedom of conscience and religion, thereby making it possible to defend their interests at the state level. Keywords: Muslims, Jews, religion, non-believers, legal status, Russian Empire For citation: Bulgakova V. R., Polyakov V. A. Legal status of the population of another religion of the Russian Empire in the second half of the XIX — beginning of the XX centuries. Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik = Altai Law Journal. 2024;4:14–20 (In Russ.).

Sergei V. Moiseev Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Barnaul, Russia,
  • Abstract. In the modern world, where public administration plays a key role in the development and stability of society, the relevance of transforming the public administration system in the People's Republic of China is beyond doubt. In recent years, China has been actively pursuing reforms in this area, striving to increase the efficiency and transparency of public administration. This article examines the organizational and legal aspects of these changes, as well as their impact on public relations. A comprehensive approach to public administration reform, including both legal and organizational changes, can be a useful tool for improving management efficiency and improving public relations. Keywords: China, People’s Republic of China, Chinese Soviet Republic, National People’s Congress, Constitution of the People’s Republic of China For citation: Moiseev S. V. Transformation of the system of public administration in the People's Republic of China. Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik = Altai Law Journal. 2024;4:21–25 (In Russ.).

Evgeniy A. Pleshakov Lobachevsky University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia,
  • Abstract. The article presents a study of state and law in their relationship. Principal attention is paid to the doctrinal misconception about the priority of the state over the law, which was formed under the conditions of the dominance of political narratives in domestic jurisprudence. Within the framework of the dialectical-materialist approach to the study of the stated problems, using general scientific and special scientific methods of cognition, which were used depending on the task at hand, a number of provisions were formulated, without taking into account which it is unacceptable to study the relationship between state and law. As part of a comprehensive analysis, it was concluded that in the general theory of state and law, the provisions on the priority of the state over the law cannot be considered in the generally used sense of the concept of “priority”. Priority should be considered and used as a special legal means that is used in order to increase the effectiveness of the implementation of the goals and objectives of the state at a specific stage of the historical development of society. Keywords: state, law, priority, correlation, technical-legal means, state-power, political resource For citation: Pleshakov E. А. Priority of the state over the law: doctrinal error, political resource, technical and legal remedy. Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik = Altai Law Journal. 2024;4:26–34 (In Russ.).

Anatoly A. Tirskikh East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Irkutsk, Russia,
  • Abstract. The article highlights issues related to the state policy of combating corruption at various stages of the development of Russian statehood. The paper analyzes the role of public authorities in regulating public relations closely related to corruption manifestations, as well as comprehends certain mechanisms that contribute to effective anti-corruption at all stages of domestic state-building, including through rulemaking and law enforcement activities. In the article, the author makes an attempt to reflect not only the modern, but also the historical experience of fighting corruption in the field of domestic law and order. The study provides a historical and legal analysis of the domestic regulatory framework from the point of view of its development and improvement in the aspect of combating corruption. Preventive directions in the fight against corruption and ways to overcome it in the early stages are highlighted; the author emphasizes that the fight against corruption has always been carried out: in the Russian Empire, in the USSR, and in modern democratic Russia, but the results of this confrontation cannot be called impressive. Keywords: public power, corruption, regulatory framework, law enforcement practice, national security, anti-corruption activities, bribery, embezzlement, legal responsibility, inevitability of punishment, Russian Empire, USSR For citation: Tirskikh A. A. Corruption within the framework of domestic law and order as a negative factor for national security: historical and legal analysis. Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik = Altai Law Journal. 2024;4:35–41 (In Russ.).

Tatiana D. Andreeva Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Barnaul, Russia,
Valentin S. Shestak Donetck branch of the Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia, Donetck, Russia
  • Abstract. This article examines the procedural status of an interpreter as a person involved in the proceedings on an administrative offense. Special attention is paid to the necessary requirements for an interpreter. Based on the analysis of law enforcement practice, the most typical situations related to violation of the principle of the language of production, enshrined in article 24.2 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, are considered. The main content of the study is the problem of determining the competence of an interpreter, due to the fact that this issue has been controversial in science for a long time. The author substantiates the need to supplement the current administrative legislation with a requirement for the interpreter to present documents confirming proficiency in the relevant language in which the proceedings on the administrative offence are carried out. Keywords: proceedings on an administrative offense, interpreter, foreign citizens and stateless persons, competence, the principle of the language of production, sign language translation, typhoid language translation For citation: Andreeva T. D., Shestak V. S. Interpreter as a person assisting in the administration of justice in the proceedings on an administrative offense. Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik = Altai Law Journal. 2024;4:42–46 (In Russ.).

Marina A. Buchakova Omsk Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia, Omsk, Russia,
Andrey A. Gaidukov Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Barnaul, Russia,
  • Abstract. The article analyzes the content of legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the Kyrgyz Republic on offense prevention, which determine the general organizational platform for preventive work. The model nature of the laws under consideration made it possible to identify and detail independent types of prevention, and also provided an opportunity for bodies-subjects of prevention at the departmental level to develop a mechanism for applying individual forms and measures of offense prevention in relation to objects of influence. The authors believe that at present it is appropriate to work on the issue of establishing in the Federal Law of June 23, 2016 No. 182-FZ “On the fundamentals of the crime prevention system in the Russian Federation” the goals and objectives of crime prevention, as well as detailing the objects of preventive influence, which, in our opinion, will contribute to more effective crime prevention. Keywords: prevention of offenses, forms of preventive influence, official warning, preventive conversation, temporary protective order; preventive registration, special subjects of offense prevention For citation: Buchakova M. A., Gaidukov A. A. Legislation of the russian federation and the kyrgyz republic on the limitation of offenses: a comparative legal analysis. Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik = Altai Law Journal. 2024;4:47–53 (In Russ.).

Rustam S. Galiev Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Barnaul, Russia,
Alexey V. Ivanov Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia
Rafail V. Nasyrov Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia
  • Abstract. Human rights and freedoms are the basis for building a modern society, the development of information technology and the widespread introduction of digital technologies in all spheres of society inevitably affect the process of implementing rights and freedoms. The authors analyzed the impact of digitalization on the legal status of an individual through the prism of implementing constitutional rights and obligations using modern information technologies. The results of the study allowed us to establish that the legal status of an individual enshrined in international standards and the Constitution of the Russian Federation does not change its content, however, traditional rights, freedoms and some obligations are refracted in the process of digitalization, a certain transformation of the legal status occurs, directly related to the forms of implementation of the rights, freedoms and obligations of an individual. The conducted analysis allowed us to establish the patterns of development and transformation of the legal status of an individual in the context of digitalization. Keywords: human rights, obligations, legal status, personality, digitalization, information society For citation: Galiev R. S., Ivanov A. V., Nasyrov R. V. Transformation of the implementation of the legal status of an individuals in the era of digitalization. Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik = Altai Law Journal. 2024;4:54–59 (In Russ.).

Ilnur A. Gumarov Kazan Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Kazan, Russia,
Viktor V. Tyryshkin Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Barnaul, Russia,
  • Abstract. Issues related to the organization of activities for the identification and documentation of crimes and administrative offenses in the budgetary sphere are quite relevant for police units implementing this area of activity, due to the fact that abuses in this area are latent, these crimes and administrative offenses are difficult to identify and document. In this regard, improving the organizational aspects of the activities of economic security and anti-corruption units, considered by the authors of the article, are essential for improving the effectiveness of police activities in the field of detecting and documenting these crimes and administrative offenses. In particular, the article proposes an algorithm for the most effective organization of police activities to identify and document embezzlement of budget funds, in addition, the authors consider such a problem as insufficient awareness and lack of skills to work with the state integrated information system «Electronic Budget» among employees of economic security and anti-corruption departments, as well as ways to solve this problem. Keywords: organizing the activities of economic security and anti-corruption units, embezzlement of budget funds, misuse of budget funds, identification and documentation of crimes and administrative offenses in the budgetary sphere For citation: Gumarov I. A., Tyryshkin V. V. Improving the activities of the police in identifying and documenting crimes and administrative offenses in the public sector. Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik = Altai Law Journal. 2024;4:60–65 (In Russ.).

Oleg A. Kozhevnikov V. F. Yakovlev Ural State Law University, Yekaterinburg, Russia Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg, Russia,
  • Abstract. Throughout its recent history of the Russian Federation, the system of local self-government and its individual institutions has been in constant reform. This circumstance is confirmed by the presence of three basic federal laws on local self-government over the past 33 years, as well as the threat of the return and adoption of the “scandalous” bill No. 40361-8 “On general principles of the organization of local self-government in a unified system of public authority”. Based on the study of the main structural units of the category “local self-government”, the author concludes that the federal authorities do not have a unified, purposeful and clearly formulated state policy both in the field of local self-government and the implementation of constitutional provisions on local self-government. In this regard, numerous “convulsive” attempts by the federal legislator to make changes and additions to the regulatory framework of local selfgovernment in the Russian Federation leads to an even greater “extinction” of the constitutional guarantees of local self-government and its transformation into a simple mechanism for the implementation of “statecontrolled” management of municipal territories. Keywords: Constitution, legislation on local self-government, local self-government, state policy, unified system of public authority For citation: Kozhevnikov O. A. Local government in Russia: never-ending road… Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik = Altai Law Journal. 2024;4:66–72 (In Russ.).

Yulia A. Krieger Omsk Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia, Omsk, Russia,
Evgeniy A. Fedyaev Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Barnaul, Russia,
  • Abstract. The article examines the peculiarities of the normative legal regulation of administrative jurisdiction immunity of certain categories of subjects. The authors analyze the legislation regulating the special conditions for the implementation of administrative jurisdiction in relation to officials performing certain state functions (deputies of the legislative body of a subject of the Russian Federation, employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, federal security service agencies and state security agencies), and also provide proposals for its improvement. Keywords: immunity from administrative jurisdiction, inviolability, proceedings for an administrative offense, administrative liability For citation: Krieger Yu. A., Fedyaev E. A. Immunity from administrative jurisdiction of certain categories of subjects: features of legislative regulation. Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik = Altai Law Journal. 2024;4:73–80 (In Russ.).

Evgenij V. Loos Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Barnaul, Russia,
  • Abstract. The article raises the question of the absence in the Russian Federation of a mechanism for legal protection of the honor and dignity of a person from ongoing unlawful attacks. Due to the lack of legislative regulation of this issue, the victim finds himself defenseless against the offender. The author calls a protective order as an effective legal means that can be successfully used to protect the honor and dignity of a person from such attacks. The text of the article reveals the essence of a protective order, examines the history of its origin, and analyzes the experience of using protective orders in the legislation of some foreign countries. In conclusion, the author offers his own vision of integrating the institution of a protection order into the system of Russian legislation, and notes the possibility of using it to protect the honor and dignity of a person from ongoing unlawful attacks. Key words: protection order, honor, dignity, protection of rights, legislation For citation: Loos E. V. Protection order as legal remedy of person’s honor and dignity. Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik = Altai Law Journal. 2024;4:81–87 (In Russ.).

Irina V. Potapenkova Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Elena N. Yarmonova Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Moscow, Russia
  • Abstract. In this article, the authors consider the mechanism of bringing legal entities to administrative responsibility for committing administrative offenses in the course of using vehicles in their activities under various ownership rights. Problematic issues of law enforcement practice of bringing drivers (individuals) and vehicle owners (legal entities or individual entrepreneurs) to administrative responsibility are associated with their conclusion of fictitious contracts in order to evade liability or reduce the amount of the fine. Keywords: administrative offenses, civil law norms, lease agreement, fictitious contract, lessor, vehicle, legal entities, State Traffic Safety Inspectorate For citation: Potapenkova I. V., Yarmonova E. N. Application of civil law norms when bringing legal entities to administrative responsibility for certain types of administrative offenses. Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik = Altai Law Journal. 2024;4:88–94 (In Russ.).

Maksim N. Chachhiani Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Voronezh, Russia, mayrо
  • Abstract. The author examines the phenomenon of legal standardization. The author first of all makes reference to the legal doctrine, after which he conducts an in-depth analysis of the phenomena most similar to legal standardization, such as: technical standards; educational standards; international legal standards. Criteria are distinguished from each type of standard, and an analysis of the positive and negative features of the standard is carried out. Based on the selected criteria, the author studies the concept of a legal standard, highlights its role in the system of sources of Russian law, as well as prospects for further legal standardization in the Russian Federation. Keywords: public administration, standard, legal standard, legal standardization, technical standard, educational standard, international legal standard For citation: Chachhiani М. N. Legal standard: concept, criteria and types. Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik = Altai Law Journal. 2024;4:95–101 (In Russ.).

Ekaterina V. Yakovleva Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Barnaul, Russia,
  • Abstract. The article, based on an analysis of the current legislation, examines the implementation procedure and legal foundations of individual measures to counter illegal migration. It is noted that at present the most effective measures are the administrative expulsion of a foreign citizen and stateless person from the Russian Federation, as well as deportation. Some problematic issues of such expulsion are named. When considering the legal basis of deportation, the author dwelled in more detail on the decision on the undesirability of being (living) in the Russian Federation, as one of the newest grounds. The mechanism for the return of foreign citizens to the country of which they are a citizen is also considered - readmission. Some practical problems are highlighted when concluding agreements on readmission between countries. Author’s proposals for amending the current federal law «On Citizenship of the Russian Federation» are argued and presented. Keywords: administrative expulsion, deportation, readmission, foreign citizen, migration For citation: Yakovleva E. V. Selected administrative and legal measures to combat illegal migration. Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik = Altai Law Journal. 2024;4:102–107 (In Russ.).

Alexey Yu. Afanasyev Nizhniy Novgorod academy of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia,, Lobachevsky University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
  • Abstract. In the functional system of “proving criminal activity”, the means must ensure the receipt of the necessary result in the form of a system of evidence each time it is required. In reality, there is an imbalance caused by the discrepancy between the variety and strength of the means of criminal activity and the variety and strength of the means of proof. Numerous varieties of new and modified means of proof proposed by science remain inapplicable due to the lack of appropriate methodological justification, sufficient generality, data on their effectiveness, etc. Based on the isomorphism of the structures of two opposing functional systems, it is proposed to treat procedural actions not only as means of establishing traces, but also of understanding the functioning of criminal activity and the formation of trace information. In this regard, the means of proof must be balanced in variety and strength with the means of criminal activity. Keywords: means of proof, means of criminal activity, functional system, imbalance, isomorphism, dualism, proof mechanism For citation: Afanasev A. Yu. Means in the functional system of «proving criminal activity». Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik = Altai Law Journal. 2024;4:108–115 (In Russ.).

Anna G. Bragina Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Barnaul, Russia,
  • Abstract. The article deals with the problem of criminal prosecution for insulting deceased government officials. The potential of the norm on insulting a representative of power provided for in Article 319 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is compared with other domestic criminal law norms, which enshrine certain types of attacks on the dead. The article examines the position of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on the protection of the constitutional right to personal inviolability after the death of a person, the legislation of foreign countries and the practice of its application, the point of view of scientists on the possibility of liability for insult after the death of a person. The author proposes a solution to the problem of practical application of the norm on insulting a representative of power after his death. Keywords: a representative of the government, an insult to a representative of the government, an insult, an insult to memory, an insult to the dead For citation: Bragina A. G. Revisiting the criminal liability for insulting deceased government officials. Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik = Altai Law Journal. 2024;4:116–121 (In Russ.).

Anastasija S. Guzeeva Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Moscow, Russia,
  • Abstract. This article is an overview of the main stages in the development of criminal legislation of the Russian Federation for committing unlawful actions in bankruptcy. The historical and legal aspects of the formation of criminal liability for crimes related to bankruptcy are considered, starting from the legal norms in force in Rus’, up to the current state of legislation. The article analyzes in detail the main criminal law rules applied in the bankruptcy process, and also discusses the main changes that have occurred in criminal law in recent years. Keywords: illegal actions in bankruptcy, the institution of insolvency, domestic legislation, legal regulation For citation: Guzeeva A. S. Revisiting the main stages of the development of domestic criminal legislation for committing illegal actions in bankruptcy. Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik = Altai Law Journal. 2024;4:122– 127 (In Russ.)

Sergej I. Davidov Barnaul Law Institute of the Internal Affairs of Russia, Barnaul, Russia,
Evgenij A. Molyarov Siberian Law Institute of the Internal Affairs of Russia, Krasnoyarsk, Russia,
  • Abstract. The conclusions about the imperfection of a number of legislative norms regulating the operational-search activity «the identification of persons» are substantiated. The views of Russian scientists on the development of its legal basis are presented. Foreign legislation in this area is analyzed. The necessity and expediency of introducing amendments to the Federal Law of August 12, 1995 № 144-FZ «On operationalsearch activities» has been proven in terms of renaming the operational-search activity «the identification of persons» to «search and identification of objects by their characteristics» with the consolidation of the definition this measure, vesting bodies carrying out operational investigative activities with the right to process (including collecting) personal data about individuals during operational investigative activities. It is proposed that the Federal Law of July 25, 1998 № 128-FZ «On State Fingerprint Registration in the Russian Federation» establish a norm providing for state registration of fingerprints and palms of «unknown persons who are in connection with the crime under investigation». Keywords: the identification of persons, operational-search activity, legal basis, legislative regulation For citation: Davidov S. I., Molyarov E. A. Operational-search activity «the identification of persons»: searching for ways to improve legislative regulation. Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik = Altai Law Journal. 2024;4:128–135 (In Russ.).

Olga S. Ivanchenko he Central branch of the Russian State University of Justice, Voronezh, Russia
Aleksandr V. Polshikov Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Voronezh, Russia,
Yana G. Byalaya The Central branch of the Russian State University of Justice, Voronezh, Russia
  • Abstract. The article is devoted to the scientific and practical analysis of the problems of the application of criminal law norms providing for liability for embezzlement in relation to such an object of crime as money surrogates. The paper examines the types of monetary surrogates, gives their classification, provides an analysis of court verdicts in criminal cases of embezzlement using monetary surrogates, substantiates the author’s position on the qualification of embezzlement of monetary surrogates. Keywords: money surrogates, the subject of theft, the subject of a crime, criminal liability, qualification of crimes, property, crimes against property For citation: Ivanchenko O. S., Polshikov A. V., Byalaya Ya. G. Monetary surrogates as an оbject of theft. Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik = Altai Law Journal. 2024;4:136–144 (In Russ.).

Alexander S. Ilnitsky Krasnodar University of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia, Krasnodar, Russia,
  • Abstract. The article presents the socio-political prerequisites for criminological understanding of the use of artificial intelligence technologies in the study of crime and anti-criminal practice. The shortcomings of recent criminological work in the field under consideration are revealed, including: the episodic and superficial nature of research, appeal to well-known information, uncertainty of ways to use artificial intelligence technologies in the study and counteraction of crime. A characteristic of one of the artificial intelligence technologies (computer vision) is given. The possibilities of its use for obtaining criminologically significant information are determined. A list of research directions and tasks, the solution of which can be facilitated by computer vision technology, is formulated. Research algorithms implemented using computer vision technology capable of solving research problems have been developed and demonstrated. Keywords: criminology, criminological research, research methodology, Internet, artificial intelligence, computer vision, criminal ideology, revenge porn For citation: Ilnitsky A. S. Artificial intelligence technologies in criminological science: computer vision. Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik = Altai Law Journal. 2024;4:145–151 (In Russ.).

Vadim D. Kruglikov Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Barnaul, Russia,
  • Abstract. This article examines the problems of improving forensic prevention in cases of petty theft committed by a person subject to administrative punishment. It is noted that the elimination of circumstances that contribute to the commission of this type of crime is possible only under the condition of the successful implementation of a whole range of measures, different in nature and content. Potentially effective preventive measures that can be implemented by officials (investigators, district police officers), as well as the public, are considered. It is indicated that the prevention of petty theft committed by a person subject to administrative punishment in the sphere of trade will bring the desired result only under the condition of full cooperation of individual services and departments of internal affairs agencies, as well as the public, primarily, representatives of business organizations. The result of the study was the proposal of certain measures of forensic prevention, which make it possible to largely eliminate the causes and conditions for the commission of the noted act. Keywords: forensic prevention, petty stealing, presentation, interrogation, individual preventive conversation For citation: Kruglikov V. D. Revisiting the improving forensic prevention measures in cases of petty stealing committed by a person subject to administrative punishment. Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik = Altai Law Journal. 2024;4:152–159 (In Russ.).

Alexander V. Maksimenko Putilin Belgorod Law Institute of Ministry of the Interior of Russia, Belgorod, Russia,
Ivan N. Arkhiptsev Putilin Belgorod Law Institute of Ministry of the Interior of Russia, Belgorod, Russia,
  • Abstract. Due to the peculiarities of their age, physical and mental development, minors cannot always give a correct assessment of the actions of others, and given the influence that the media and the Internet have exerted in recent years, they are increasingly exposed to negative influences and influences, including being involved in sexual exploitation. In the article, the authors consider the criminal and legal aspects of crimes related to the involvement of a minor in sexual exploitation. In particular, the authors analyzed certain aspects of these crimes: terminology of “sexual exploitation”; motives for committing crimes; methods; persons who are victims; typology of subjects; social portrait of “consumers” of pornographic materials. In conclusion, proposals were made to amend the current criminal legislation. Keywords: minors, trafficking in pornographic products, sexual exploitation, involvement For citation: Maksimenko A. V., Arkhiptsev I. N. Crimes related to the involvement of a minor in sexual exploitation: some problems of interpretation and counteraction. Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik = Altai Law Journal. 2024;4:160– 165 (In Russ.).

Margarita Yu. Puchnina Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia, Voronezh, Russia,
  • Abstract. The article analyzes certain provisions of the federal laws of 05.05.2014 No. 91-FZ and of 31.07.2023 No. 395-FZ, which determine the procedure for applying the criminal law in the territories of new subjects of the Russian Federation. Particular attention is paid to the issues of qualification of crimes, sentencing, review of court decisions that have entered into legal force and retroactivity of the law. A number of errors made by the courts in applying the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation, taking into account the provisions of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, are analyzed, and during the consideration in higher courts, they were eliminated. Keywords: retroactive effect of criminal law, qualification, Crimea, Sevastopol, Kherson region, Zaporizhia region, DPR, LPR, revision of sentences, convicted persons, conventional crimes, release from criminal liability For citation: Puchnina M.Yu. Features of the application of criminal legislation on the territory of new subjects of the Russian Federation. Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik = Altai Law Journal. 2024;4:166–171 (In Russ.).

Mihail S. Titeev Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Barnaul, Russia,
  • Abstract. The subject of the study is the social conditionality of criminalization of actions related to the restoration of the integrity of the vehicle structure, the so-called «cuts», «carpels», «constructors», when a complete vehicle is assembled in artisanal conditions that does not meet safety requirements, which becomes dangerous for operation on public roads. The grounds and conditions for the introduction of a crime into the criminal law have been studied. As a result, the researcher concludes that it is necessary to criminalize the act. Keywords: sawing, restoration of the integrity of the vehicle structure, criminalization, grounds for criminalization, public safety For citation: Titeev M. S. Revisiting the establishing a criminal law prohibition on restoring the integrity of the structure of a vehicle subjected to sawing. Altajskij juridicheskij vestnik = Altai Law Journal. 2024;4:172–177 (In Russ.).
Website of the scientific journal of Barnaul Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry © 2014-2025