Altai Law Journal of Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia
Altai Law Journal
(from all published magazines)

History of State and Law
N.N. Zipunnikova, (Candidate of Juridical Sciences), assistant-professor Ural State Law Academy
  • The article is devoted to methodological problems of historical and legal research of education and science area in Russia in XVIII-XX centuries. The author characterized methodological pluralism, op-portunity of new ways and actuality of traditional approaches to study of political and ideological con-texts, legislation and management in the area of education and science in Russia. Key words: education, science, historical and juridical research, methodology, research methods.

History of State and Law
D.E. Kuznetsov a postgraduate student Polzunov Altai State Technical University

History of State and Law
I.V. Medvedev, Ph.D. (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences)
V.V. Semenov, Ph.D. (Candidate of Technical Sciences), assistantprofessor Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia

History of State and Law
A.S. Smikalin, Ph.D. (Doctor of Juridical Sciences), professor Ural State Law Academy
  • The article analyzes in detail legal regulation, arrival of foreign war prisoners in Ural, describes how to use the labour of prisoners, their contribution to the economic development of the region. Key words: war, war prisoners, regulatory legal acts, Ural, the First World War, Russian army, voluntary military unit.

E.A. Chiburova, Ph.D. (Candidate of Historical Sciences) Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia

State and legal regulation public relations
Yu.V. Anokhin, Ph.D. (Doctor of Juridical Sciences), assistantprofessor Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia
  • In the article the process of genesis and development of mechanism of human rights and freedoms in Russia from the XIX th century till present is discussed. It analyses normative consolidation of relations between state and individual, a legal mechanism to enforcement rights and obligations of citizens of Russia. Key words: civil society, human right, personal liberty, social and legal vulnerability, electoral law.

State and legal regulation public relations
M.V. Davydov Ministry of Internal Affairs, Barnaul Division e-mail:
  • The norms of unmanned flying vehicles using are not clearly reflected in international law. This article gives an overview of problems, connected with international law problems of usage of unmanned flying vehicles. Key words: use of unmanned flying vehicles.

State and legal regulation public relations
K.V. Cheprasov a postgraduate student of Altai State University e-mail:

State and legal regulation public relations
S.P. Shatilov, Ph.D. (Candidite of Juridical Sciences), assistantprofessor Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia
  • The article considers main approaches to recognition of law enforcement function and determining its place in the system of functions of state, there are arguments of this recognition from the point of view of norms of Russian language, as well as through the ratio of scientists to the law as a category of either positive or objective. Key words: state, right, functions of state, law-enforcement function, positive law, objective right.

State and legal regulation public relations
A.V. Shipulin Management Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia e-mail:
  • This article discusses principal approaches to development of state management from crime outrages and threats under signed by the President of the Russian Federation Concept of Public Security. It defines the place of territorial bodies of Interior in safety related system. Key words: public administration, public safety, safety system from crime outrages and threats, the Concept of Public Safety, crime control, territorial bodies of the Ministry of Interior.

Administrative law and administrative process
V.V. Golovko, Ph.D. (Doctor of Juridical Sciences), professor Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Administrative law and administrative process
A.O. Meleshko a postgraduate student of Omsk State University n.a. F.М. Dostoevskiy
  • It conducts a research and proposes a solution of some administrative and legal application problems of results of anti-corruption expert review. The author reveals the concept "anti-corruption expert review" and considers the using of these documents in administrative proceedings. The attention is focused on the challenge of corruption regulations, expert member’s appeal to authorities, expert record in registries and registers of legal acts. Key words: anti-corruption expert review, result of anti-corruption expert review, challenge of corruption regulations, prosecutor's demand, appeal to authorities, legal opinion.

Administrative law and administrative process
A.I. Popov, Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences) Ryazan branch of Moscow University of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia e-mail:
  • In the article the problems of definition and essence of administrative and contractual regulation are discussed, its subject is analysed. It is concluded that the study of the regulatory essence of administrative contract, concept disclosure, subject and mechanism of administrative and contractual regulation is a new perspective direction of development of the theory of administrative contract. Key words: administrative contract, the administrative and contractual regulation, the mechanism of administrative and contractual regulation.

Administrative law and administrative process
V.G. Shakalova a postgraduate student of Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia e-mail:

Criminal law, criminology, criminal and executive right
V.G. Gromov, Ph.D. (Doctor of Juridical Sciences), professor Altai Academy of Economics and Law
  • The article is devoted to analysis of administrative supervision as an intersectoral legal institute competing with criminal penalty in form of custodial restraint. Suggestions for improvement of the statutory act about administrative supervision are formulated. Key words: administrative supervision, custodial restraint, condemned, imprisonment, control, crime prevention.

Criminal law, criminology, criminal and executive right
O.V. Ermakova, Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences) Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia e-mail:
  • In presented article the author considers main hate or enmity motives, required for qualification of extremist crimes. In addition, the article shows the mistakes made by judicial authorities at the qualifications of the said crimes. Special attention is paid to the explanation of such evaluative notions as "social group". Keywords: extremist crimes, hate or enmity motives.

History of State and Law
K.V. Len, Ph.D. (Candidate of Historical Sciences), assistant-professor Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia
  • This article is devoted to the analysis of contradictory elements of the "City status 1870". The author examines the compliance of the municipal regulation of the real needs of development of cities in the second half of the 19th century. Key words: City status, charter to the cities, city reform 1870, city mayor, administrative board of a city, city council, provincial administration.

Criminal law, criminology, criminal and executive right
Yu.A. Odintseva a postgraduate student of Altai Academy of Economics and Law e-mail:

Criminal law, criminology, criminal and executive right
R.A. Semenyuk, Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences), assistant-professor Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia e-mail:
  • The presented article examines the social-demographic peculiarities and psychology of murder per-petrators in condition of intoxication. The author analyzes the statistics of MIAC of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia over the last five years, as well as materials of 320 criminal proceedings involving murder, under Articles 105, 106, 107 of the Criminal Code. Keywords: peculiarities of murder perpetrators, intoxication.

Criminal trial, criminalistics, forensics, operatively-search activity
R.L. Akhmedshin, Ph.D. (Doctor of Juridical Sciences), professor Law Institute of Tomsk State University
I.A. Shletser a postgraduate student of Law Institute of Tomsk State University
  • The article considers typological approaches used in forensic science. It analyses typologies of three psychologists (C.G. Jung, G. Eysenck and K. Leongard), their advantages and disadvantages. Key words: personality type, extravert, introvert, types of temperament, accentuation of personality traits.

Criminal trial, criminalistics, forensics, operatively-search activity
V.Yu. Belitsky, Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences), assistant-professor Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia
  • The article considers the question of possibility and extent of activity of court, its initiatives in evi-dence in criminal proceeding. The views of different groups of scientists are considered. The author en-dorses position of those lawyers who recognizes active role of court in evidence in criminal proceeding. This position is based on the norms of the Constitution of Russian Federation, the Criminal Procedure Code of Russia, judgments of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. Key words: criminal proceeding, court proceeding, processual court activity, court power, role of court in evidence.

Criminal trial, criminalistics, forensics, operatively-search activity
A.M. Zaets, Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences) Lugansk State University of Internal Affairs n.a. E.A. Didorenko e-mail:

Criminal trial, criminalistics, forensics, operatively-search activity
L.V. Cherepanova, Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences), assistant-professor Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia
  • The article considers some changes in the legislation related to strengthening the role of procedural means in protection of legally protected information, obtained during pre-trial criminal proceedings. Based on the analysis of judicial practice, the government is providing to persons whose rights and freedoms are directly affected the verification message about the crime, access to documents and materials doled government checks, and formulates a conclusion about the lack of procedural safeguards, the implementation of the right to appeal against the procedural decision taken at the stage of initiation of the criminal case. Key words: introduction, access to information in a criminal case, material of the preliminary investigation, protection of information, right to appeal.

Civil relations
R.N. Morodumov Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation e-mail:;
M.V. Pushkareva a postgraduate student of Ural law institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation e-mail:
  • In this paper the author examines the contract of protecting the life and health individuals as an independent contract, reveals its characteristics and features. Analyzing different approaches to understand contract’s subject and object, it is concluded that the object of life and health protection should be understood a man as a social-biological creature. It presents a classification of the contracts, depending on number of protected persons and specific of protection. Key words: security activities, life, health, privacy.

Civil relations
D.A. Morozov Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Interior of Russia e-mail:
  • The article considers legal structure "legal form" from the point of view of philosophy and general theory of law as applied to private sphere. The author critically evaluates the system of legal links only as a system of legal relations, proves necessity of active use of various legal forms in scientific understanding of real life. Key words: civil law, legal form, legal relations.

Civil relations
V.V. Kozlovskaya a postgraduate student of Belarusian State University e-mail:

Civil relations
M.N. Semjakin, Ph.D. (Doctor of Juridical Sciences), professor Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation e-mail:
  • The article considers theoretical and methodological problems of correlation and impact of civil law on legal practice. Key words: civil law, civil science, legal practice.

Civil relations
A.A. Chesnokov, Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences), assistant-professor Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia e-mail:;
O.V. Chesnokova Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in Altai Territory
  • The problem of a choice of assessment criteria of state policy in area of anticorruption efforts, current condition of the national legal system, social, economic, legal factors of corruption, ways of improvement increase of effectiveness in law enforcement agencies work in this area are considered in the article. It is offered to estimate the anticorruption policy on five blocks: a degree of performance of tasks in view; profitability; legitimacy of activity; archived level of free and equal access of organizations, citizens to any given welfare; an efficiency rating of the done work directly by population. Key words: сorruption, anticorruption policy, efficiency, democratism, transparency.

History of State and Law
N.A. Maslov a postgraduate student of Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia
  • This article considers the legal status of recruits and lower military ranks during the existence of the recruitment system of manning the army and navy. According to the author the legal status of these categories of servicemen depended first of all on their state. The duty position and place in the military ranking influenced quite weakly, affecting only a small group of service relationship. Key words: army, military service, serviceman, recruit, recruiting duty, lower military rank, legal status, non-commissioned officer.

History of State and Law
E.V. Suverov Ph.D. (Doctor of Historical Sciences), assistant- professor Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Inter ior of Russia
  • Implementation of the Soviet penal policy led to the creation of the Siberian labor camp in the late 20 - ies, where convicted were going from all over the Soviet Un ion. Siblag divisions d e cided production tasks of the state importance. However, in spite of improvement efforts by a d ministration medical - sanitary and everyday service in Siblag was unsatisfactory. T here were a significant number of dead and sick prisoner s a s a result ; it negatively affected the implementation of production tasks and educ a- tional process among prisoners. Key words: Siblag, prisoners, с onvicted, medical - sanitary and everyday ser vice, p laces of impri - s onment.

History of State and Law
L.Y. Tarasova Ph.D. ( Candidate of Historical Scien c es) Altai Academy of Economics and Law

State and legal regulation public relations
T.O. Didych Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences), assistant - professor Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev
  • In the article the author analyses the views of scientists of the problem of understanding of law formation as a complex, multifaceted phenomenon of legal reality. Based on the analysis of the functional possibilities of axiological approach of jurisprudence, the author attempts to reveal the understanding of the phe nomenon of the formation of the law as a special social, legal value. Key words: law formation, axiological approach, value

State and legal regulation public relations
S.V. Troitski Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences) Moscow University of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation

State and legal regulation public relations
A.A. Yunusov Ph.D. (Doctor of Juridical Sciences), professor Academy of the Federal Penal Service of Russia e-mail:
S.A. Yunusov postgraduate student
A.G. Akhverdyan
  • The article describes the activities of the Ombudsman for human rights in the Russian Federation and subdivisions of assistants’ chiefs of the Federal Penal Service of Russia on observance of human rights and implementation of a General legal principle of equity of ensuring the rights of imprisoned persons. In addition, it sets out the ways of modernization of the activity of mentioned organizations. Key words: ombudsman for human rights, assistant of the Federal Penal Service of subjects of Russia, complaints, human right, legality, equity, humanization, modernization, legal consciousness.

State and legal regulation public relations
A.A. Stepanchenko а postgraduate student of Moscow University of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation

Administrative law and administrative process
S.Y. Anokhina Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences), assistant - professor Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia

Administrative law and administrative process
V.V. Golovko Ph.D. (Doctor of Juridical Sciences), professor Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
A.I. Gubin a postgraduate student of Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
  • The article considers topical implementation issues of termination of the right to drive vehicles in the presence of medical contraindications or medical constraints to carrying out of these activities. There is an example of information exchange between police and narcological institutions. In addition, the article explains the legislative approach to definition of the subject, authorized to consider the application for restoration of a special law when falling medical grounds, as well as the procedure of the restoration of this right. Key words: medical traffic safety, medical contraindications, medical constraints, termination of the right to drive vehicles, restoration of the right to drive vehicles.

Administrative law and administrative process
O.A. Diser Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences), assistant - professor Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
O.Y. Filippov Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences) Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Administrative law and administrative process
О.O.Chuykina a postgraduate student of Saint- Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Criminal law, criminology, criminal and executive right
O.V. Ermakova Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences) Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Interior of Russia

Criminal law, criminology, criminal and executive right
V.V. Silchenko apostgraduate student of Tyumen Advanced Training Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation

Criminal law, criminology, criminal and executive right
A.V. Sumachev Ph.D. (Doctor of Juridical Sciences), professor Tyumen State University
  • The article considers the concept of belonging of "right of punishment" through the prism of the theories of the origin of state and law. It analys es the concept of "punitive power of state" within the natural and legal theory of the origin of state and law. Keywords: origin of state, punishment, right of punishment, theological conception, natural and legal conception.

Criminal trial, criminalistics, forensics, operatively-search activity
S.I. Davydov Ph.D.(Doctor of Juridical Sciences), assistant-professor Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia
Y.L. Boiko Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences), assistant-professor Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia
  • The evidence, which were collected during the preliminary investigation with the help of criminalistics knowledge, means and methods, should primarily comply with the statutory requirements, determined mainly by the criminal procedure law. Various deviations from these requirements, investigator’s omissions should only be considered in court session and be assessed only by the court on the possibility of their use for the establishment of truth in criminal proceeding. Key words: criminalistics aspects of evidence, process of evidence, requirements for evidence, evaluation of evidence, preliminary investigation and court investigation, usage of criminalistics know ledge by evaluation of evidence.

Criminal trial, criminalistics, forensics, operatively-search activity
T.V. Topchieva Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences) Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia e-mail:
  • The article is devoted to the problem of victim’s participation in the procedure of pre-trial cooperation agreement. The author analyzed the current criminal procedure legislation and the practice of application of pre-trial cooperation agreement. The analysis concluded the necessity of the notification of victim (civil plaintiff ) about the conclusion by suspect (accused) of pretrial cooperation agreement. Key words: pretrial cooperation agreement, victim, civil plaintiff, defendant, procedural status, criminal proce eding.

Criminal trial, criminalistics, forensics, operatively-search activity
I.A. Shletser a postgraduate student of Altai State University
  • The author first poses the question about existence of constitutional control for operational investigations. The article describes main features and characteristics of constitutional control over operational investigations. Key words: constitutional control, Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, operational investigations.

Civil relations
I.A. Valynkina Altai Academy of Economics and Law
  • The article discusses the consequences of the establishment of the fact of abuse of the right, the corelation of abuse of the right with the way of protection of civil rights and measures of legal responsibility. Key words: abuse of the right,failure in protection of the right, arbitration court, legal responsibility.

Civil relations
R.A. Proschalygin Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences) Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Interior of Russia

Civil relations
A.V. Tumakov Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences) Moscow University of the Ministry of Interior of Russia

Civil relations
S.S. Shevchuk Ph.D. (Doctor of Juridical Sciences), professor North-Caucasus Federal University

History of State and Law
R.A. Karpov Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia

History of State and Law
D.E. Kuznetsov a postgraduate student of Polzunov Altai State Technical University

History of State and Law
E.V. Suverov Ph.D. (Doctor of Historical Sciences), assistant-professor Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia
  • The article is devoted to policy tightening of the Soviet state at the end of 20s, that led to increase of the number of convicted in the country. The author shows how the Soviet Union created labor camps, where with the help of prison labor formed the country’s economic strength. The article tells about one of these camps– Siberian labor camp. Key words: forced- labor camp, convicted, labor activity, ration.

State and legal regulation public relations
I.A. Kibak Ph.D. (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), assistant -professor Academy of the Interior Ministry of the Republic of Belarus
  • The article deals with the object and the subject of the public opinion research on the legislative activity. Empirical development of investigation’s subject is examined, which includes three sets of interrelated factors: informational and communicational interaction between population and legislature; efficiency of influence of consumed inf ormation on the formation of the public opinion on the parliamentary (legislative) activity, specifics life activity of people and the House of Representatives as the subjects of interaction. Key words: public opinion, object and subject of research, parliamentary (legislative) activity, deputy.

State and legal regulation public relations
E.G. Kravchenko a postgraduate student of Academy of the Federal Penal Service of Russia

State and legal regulation public relations
V.F. Nesterovich Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences) Lugansk State University of the Interior by E.A. Didorenko (Ukraine) e-mail:
  • A long with the term "public" are used such concepts as "public representatives", "all interested persons", "citizens", "civi l society organizations", "public institutions", "general public" and "people". This in turn leads to terminological confusion, and complicates theoretical legal identity to the public. This article demarcates the notion "public" and related concepts and t erms in legal science. Key words: public, citizens, non-governmental organizations, public institutions, general public, people.

State and legal regulation public relations
A.A. Yunusov Ph.D. (Doctor of Juridical Sciences), professor Academy of the Federal Penal Service of Russia
E.G. Kravchenko a postgraduate student of Academy of the Federal Penal Service of Russia

Administrative law and administrative process
F.P. Vasilyev Ph.D. (Doctor of Juridical Sciences), assistant-professor, Member of the Russian academy of juridical sciences
J.S. Koroleva Police department No1 of the Interior of Russia of Barnaul e-mail:

Administrative law and administrative process
A.G. Bachurin (a postgraduate student of Saint-Petersburg University of the Interior of Russia) Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia

Criminal law, criminology, criminal and executive right
R.M. Abyzov Ph.D. (Doctor of Juridical Sciences), professor, Honored lawyer of Russian Federation Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia
P.D. Frizen Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences), assistant-professor Altai territory Administration
  • In the article are considered basic directions of anti-corruption policy of state power of Russia in recent times, in the light of the accepted National plan of fight corruption. The author describes main instruments of implementation of anti-corruption policy and an alyses their efficiency as applied to public authorities. Keywords: corruption, public service, a security of a society, anti-corruption policy.

Criminal law, criminology, criminal and executive right
E.S. Anichkin Ph.D. (Doctor of Juridical Sciences), assistant-professor Altai State University
I.V. Botvin a postgraduate student of Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia

Criminal law, criminology, criminal and executive right
Y.V. Puzyreva Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences) Moscow University of the Ministry of Interior of Russia e-mail:
  • The article deals with current issues of international cooperation in the fight against crime on the example of Interpol. The author pays attention to information exchange of states-members of the Organization by directions of special notices of the General Secretariat of Interpol. Moreover, the author analyzes the current notification system, as well as statistic of their notions in recent years. Keywords: Interpol, the Interpol General Secretariat, notifications, international cooperation, crime prevention.

Criminal trial, criminalistics, forensics, operatively-search activity
S.M. Kuznetsova Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences), assistant-professor Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia

Criminal trial, criminalistics, forensics, operatively-search activity
T.G. Olefirenko Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia
  • The author defends the idea that the head of the investigative body, being a powerful entity to ensure the legality of preliminary investigation, has a large scope of procedural powers, but his activities implemented within the framework of receiving the court decision about the production of procedural actions, limiting the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens, has substantial gaps, in this regard the author offers to improve it. Key words: procedural powers, preliminary investigation, head of the investigative body, approval procedure

Criminal trial, criminalistics, forensics, operatively-search activity
I.D. Shatokhin a postgraduate student of Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia e-mail:
  • For the first time the author raises the question of the existence of constitutional control of operational investigations. The article describes the main features and characteristics of the constitutional control of operational investigations. Key words: constitutional control, Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, operational investigations

Civil relations
V.A. Boldyrev Ph.D. (Doctor of Juridical Sciences), assistant-professor Omsk Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
  • The article takes a stand that civil legislation should be interpreted as allowing the owner when adopting the st atute to receive a possibility for an institution to carry out activity on transfer of property, performance of works or services activities, and also to get profit. The existence of such determination in the law can not be interpreted as a ban on the definition as the main purpose of the institution (of his duty) implementation of socially useful activity on a fee basis. Key words: nonprofit organization, institution, income-generating activities, entrepreneurial activity, profit.

Civil relations
S.I. Gutnik a postgraduate student of Law institute of Siberian Federal University
A.V. Teplyakova a postgraduate student of Law institute of Siberian Federal University

Civil relations
A.S. Selivanov Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia

History of State and Law
A.A. Aseev Ph.D. (Candidate of Historical Sciences) Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia e-mail:
  • The question about the statehood in nomadic community of Kazakh Hordes is studied in this article. Some brief characteristics of nomadic communities given by scientists-orientalists are considered. The nature of Kazakh statehood, the factors that influence its appearance and decline are analyzed. The conclusion about the opportunity of remaining and developing of some elements of the statehood of Kazakh Hordes after joining the Russian Empire are made. Key words: nomadic society, state and its features, tribal system, manufacturing and public relations, khan and supreme power, political relations, social categories, reforms

History of State and Law
A.V. Bykov Ph.D. (Candidate of Historical Sciences) Omsk Academy of the Interior of Russia e-mail:
  • The way of representing the Great Patriotic War in foreign literature in the 1950-80s and its influence to the modern research is analyzed in this article. These publications are considered to be the base for modern mispresentation of the War. Some experience of counteraction against the history distortion is given here. The author offers some ways how to apply his experience in modern situation. Key words: patriotic war, Great Patriotic War, mispresentation of a history, distortion of historical facts, counteraction against mispresentation of the history, historical sources

History of State and Law
V. Klimachkov Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia
  • The author examines the causes of judicial reforms by Peter I, studies functional and organizational unity of the judiciary and the government, traces the reforms in progress making them strict to go through all the stages. The main causes contributing to the establishment of legal education in Russia are analyzed. Key words: judicial reform, judiciary, justice board, krigsrechty, General Court.

State and legal regulation public relations
E.S. Anichkin Ph.D. (Doctor of Juridical Sciences), assistant-professor
O.L. Kasantseva Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences) Altay State University

State and legal regulation public relations
Y.V. Anokhin Ph.D. (Doctor of Juridical Sciences), assistant-professor Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia
S.A. Vorobyova postgraduate of Omsk Law Academy of the Interior of Russia

State and legal regulation public relations
E.M. Gunin Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences) Russian State Trade and Economics University, Kemerovo Institute (branch) e-mail: ORF.08
S.Y. Belonogov Kemerovo technological Institute of food industry e-mail:
  • Title insurance is a new kind of insurance against financial risks, which is increasingly important in connection with the development of mortgage lending. The article introduces the main aspects of the legal regulation of title insurance. Keywords: title insurance, real estate property, insurer, the insured, insured risk, loss, the insurance indemnity.

State and legal regulation public relations
A.O. Kazantsev Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences), assistant-professor Authorized Court of Sverdlovsk Region

State and legal regulation public relations
V.Y. Panteleev Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences), assistant-professor Chairman of Authorized Court, Sverdlovsk Region

State and legal regulation public relations
I.V. Filimonova Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences) Russian Economic University by G.V. Plekhanov, Pyatigorsk branch, Stavropol Krai e-mail:
  • The purpose of this article is to determine the place of a legal fiction in the system of legal techniques. The analysis of the different positions of scientists on the subject reveals advantages and disadvantages of its use, helps develop approaches and define the author’s point of view on study issues. Key words: legal fiction, legal techniques, legal category, legal structure, techniques, tools, way, method of legal techniques.

Administrative law and administrative process
F.P. Vasilev Ph.D. (Doctor of Juridical Sciences) Academy of Management of the Interior of Russia
S.V. Vorotnikova Legal department of the Interior of Russia
  • The article deals with some problems of lawyers’ training. Much attention is paid to the definition of specialization and its misusage. The author points out the problem of teaching subjects with scientific background to do it in different ones. Key words: legal awareness, literacy, legal knowledge, law-governed state, quality of a lawyer’s training.

Administrative law and administrative process
I.A. Zaitsev Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences) All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Interior of Russia
E.Y. Larina Department of the Interior of Russia of Tula Region

Administrative law and administrative process
A.V. Melnikov Chief Department of the Interior of Russia
  • The author considers some problematic questions of police officers’ training according to modern requirements which are defined in federal and departmental legal documents. These papers ensure the development of police officer’s professional skills and abilities. Key words: legal education, juridical culture, legal consciousness, competencies.

Criminal law, criminology, criminal and executive right
M.A. Bugera Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences) Volgograd Academy of the Interior of Russia
R.A. Semenyuk Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences) Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia e-mail:
  • In the article the problems of dispensary and preventive monitoring of individuals, patients with alcoholism or drug addiction are considered. The authors analyze the forms of cooperation between divisions of precinct police with the health authorities in the monitoring of people suffering from alcoholism or drug addiction. Some theoretical conclusions are made. Authors’ findings have scientific and practical value. Key words: observation, patients with alcoholism or drug addiction, individuals representing a danger to others.

Criminal law, criminology, criminal and executive right
O.V. Ermakova Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences) Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia
  • The author considers the notion of crime terminal time. Special attention is paid to its relation with notions of the completed crime and the crime terminal time. Key words: crime terminal time, completed crime.

Criminal law, criminology, criminal and executive right
I.N. Zavarykin Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia е
  • In the article the author discloses actual problems of general victimological prevention of crimes on the basis of sufficient theoretical and empirical materials. He also proposes the complex of goal-oriented activities for their elimination. Key words: victimological prevention of crimes, victims of crimes, determinants of victimological type, complex of goal-oriented activities of general victimological pr evention of crimes.X

Criminal law, criminology, criminal and executive right
A.V. Litvinova doctoral candidate of South-Ural State University e-mail:

Criminal law, criminology, criminal and executive right
R.A. Semenyuk Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences) Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia e-mail:
  • The present article deals with the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the main kinds of violent crimes. The author analyzes the statistics of violent crime, the determinants of violence and makes theoretical conclusions. The provisions of the article are both of scientific and practical value. Key words: violence, violent crime, the Siberian Federal District.

Criminal law, criminology, criminal and executive right
A.F. Fyodorov Ph.D. (Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences), assistant-professor Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia e-mail:

Criminal law, criminology, criminal and executive right
O.M. Shaganova Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia e-mail:

Criminal law, criminology, criminal and executive right
A.V. Shesler Ph.D. (Doctor of Juridical Sciences), professor Tomsk State University
  • The author defines a disputable problem about liberalization of domestic Criminal law. From the point of view of liberal valuables, democracy, civil society and citizen’s rights can be considered as objects of criminal-legal security. Criminal punishment without its punitive character tends to change its nature due to liberal valuables. If a punishment acquires features of civil responsibility, it fails its criminal-legal nature. The tendency of a private interest spreading in criminal law leads to unacceptable conflict in legal relations. Key words: liberalism, body of electors, citizen’s rights, subject discretion, criminal-legal security, private interest in criminal law, commutation of criminal responsibility

Criminal trial, criminalistics, forensics, operatively-search activity
D.A. Voronov Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences) Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia e-mail:
  • The article is about forced capacity and base of application of other measures of criminal procedure enforcement as a means of state protection of criminal trial participants.Different options for improving the current legislation in order to improve security of criminal trial participants are offered. Key words: security measures, state protection, measures of protection, enforcement measures, temporal suspension of a post, seizure of property, removal from the courtroom.

Criminal trial, criminalistics, forensics, operatively-search activity
Y.P. Garmaev Ph.D. (Doctor of Juridical Sciences), assistant-professor Buryat State University e-mail:
  • This article deals with typical and widely spread criminalistic cases of duties and court’s decisions breach. The author offers to use some criminalistic means and methods to restore law-abiding citizens’ and creditors’ broken rights according to Art. 159,177 of Criminal code of Russia. Key words: the criminological situation, creditor, fraud, prognosis, judicial perspective.

Criminal trial, criminalistics, forensics, operatively-search activity
S.I. Davydov Ph.D. (Doctor of Juridical Sciences), assistant-professor Altay State University
Y.L. Boiko Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences), assistant-professor Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia е-mail:
  • The author states that corruption crimes must bring some additional responsibility if there are obligatory grounds to prove such kind of a crime. The features as organized and systematic character, high position, execution or non-execution of one’s duties and instructions, any reward to a giver’s benefit are to be taken into consideration. Key words: the term of corruption, corruption, additional criminal responsibility, criminalistical significant, criminal legal features.

Criminal trial, criminalistics, forensics, operatively-search activity
S.V. Ermakov Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia e-mail:

Criminal trial, criminalistics, forensics, operatively-search activity
D.V Kim Ph.D. (Doctor of Juridical Sciences), professor Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia e-mail:

Criminal trial, criminalistics, forensics, operatively-search activity
V M. Meshkov Ph.D. (Doctor of Juridical Sciences), professor, Honored Lawyer of Russia Kaliningrad branch of Saint-Petersburg University of MIA of Russia
  • The article deals with some psychological aspects of getting true time evidence. Knowledge about time is a judgement, while space doesn’t have such a feature. The author mentions that space coordinates can be measured by time standards and unknown quantities can be measured with the help of Geometry. Time relations are estimated by any subject individually based on his experience and knowledge. The author offers specific tactic methods for obtaining information about time features of a crime. Key words: time details, subjective time, process of acquisition, memorizing and reproducing of time details, time traces, specific tactic methods of obtaining the information about time features of a crime, phenomena of reminiscences for establishing time features.

Civil relations
N.M. Zakharova postgraduate of Ural Law Institute of the Interior
  • The article is devoted to the problem of subject’s responsibility for injuries caused to a police officer in the discharge. Based on the current legislation the author makes a conclusion that both a state and a tortfeasor can be responsible for indemnity of damages to a police officer in the discharge. Key words: indemnity of damages, police officer’s life or health, performance of professional duties, responsibility of a tortfeasor, responsibility of a state.

Civil relations
M.N. Semyakin Ph.D. (Doctor of Juridical Sciences), professor Ural Law Institute of the Interior of Russia e-mail:

Civil relations
O.S. Cherepanova Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences) Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia e-mail:
  • The article analyses the grounds for compensation by the state for harm caused to the individual. The author gives arguments in their failure. A series of measures, aimed at establishing a unified procedure of the compensation for harm to persons, victims of the crimes is pr oposed. Key words: state, personality, compensation of damage, responsibility, victim, crime.

Civil relations
A.A. Chesnokov Ph.D. (Candidate of Juridical Sciences), assistant-professor Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia e-mail:
  • In the article the main stages of variation of legal regulation of inadequancies, the basic tendencies and prospects of the given process are presented. Key words: an inadequancy, bankruptcy, arbitration operational director, history of bankruptcy.

History of State and Law
A. A. Aseev Ph.D. (Candidate of Historical Sciences) Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia е- mail:
  • The article reveals the problematic issues of administrative changes related to the voluntary entrance of Kazakh zhuzes into the Russian Empire in the last quarter of the XVIII century. The author gives a brief description of the structure of the Kazakh nomadic society, the reaction of its layers on attempts of inclusion in the imperial legal field, values the effectiveness of administrative reform projects of O.A. Igeltrom, J. Bower. Key words: voluntary annexation, nomadic society, the Kazakh aristocracy, institute of Khan’s power, social development, political and cultural traditions, economic structure, to reform, administrative structure and management, boundary court, administrative body, satisfaction of claims, common law, processes of modernization.

History of State and Law
J.A. Malkova а postgraduate student of Altay State Technical University by I.I. Polsunov е
  • There were some changes, happened in the penitentiary system of the Altai region during the post¬war period, which connected with the decrease of number ofprisoners after the amnesty held in 1945. In 1946 the criminal-correctional system, being governed by NCIA of USSR was transferred to MIA of USSR, preserving its basic functions: the criminals' isolation, the organization of the prisoners' work, detention and guarding of the prisoners of war and the interned, struggle with the homelessness and neglect of children, building of the strategic objects. Correctional-labour colonies were functioning in Barnaul, Biysk, Rubtsovsk, Oyrot-Tur, Chesnokovka, Slavgorod at that period. After the fascist Germany and military Japan were defeated, the camps for the prisoners of war for the Japanese and German armies were conducted in the Altai Region. Key-words: criminal-correctional system, soviet penitentiary policy, correctional-labour camp, colony, prisoners, the prisoners of war, the homeless, organization of prisoners' work, NCIA..

History of State and Law
E.V Suverov Ph.D. (Doctor of Historical Sciences), assistant-professor Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia е- mail:
  • After the February revolution of 1917, in the Altai province, there were serious changes in the activity of criminal-correctional system. Universal liberalization, the revolutionary anarchy seriously undermined the foundations of the penitentiary system. In this period there were frequent cases of disobedience to supervisors’ staff, numerous requirements to mitigate the regime of prisoners’ detention, mass escapes and attacks on prison officers. Galloping inflation in the country aggravated the shortage of personnel in the penitentiary system of Altai. Key words: prisons, camps, prisoners, criminal-correctional system, Altai province, supervisors
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